Genius Leadership: Overcoming Everything Podcast
Do you want to develop the ability to create “performance flow”: the essence of aligned sustainability that positively affects your business and personal results? Are you a high-performing individual ready to sync your performance with your internal values to ensure a higher “flow” and long-term sustainability? Then this is the show to tune into! Mindshifter Anna Liebel and her guests help you transform your daily routine from being an “energy sink” into an “energy source” by aligning your external behaviours to your inner values and drivers. We help you discover the importance of the concept of living in your zone of genius so that you can lead yourself and others in a more effective, sustainable, and enjoyable way.
Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
Money cannot buy happiness. So why are we seeking wealth so desperately? Today's conversation with Kim Curtis has definitely shifted my attitude toward money.
Kim is a nationally recognized wealth management advisor, speaker, president, and CEO of Wealth Legacy Institute. For her, how you deal with money says a lot about how you deal with life, and in this episode she shares many thoughts worth your deep reflection and honest, serious contemplation.
In this episode, you will hear about:
why money is not a separate area of your life but rather a red through penetrating all the others
relation between your self-worth and net worth
some "esoteric" concepts about money from a very analytical person (lawyer in the past)
Maslow's pyramid of needs applied to money
why building a business or a career solely driven by impact/legacy is not sustainable
Stay safe and #standwithukraine,
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Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
The Power of a Little Dot
Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
Inspired by the conversations after last week's episode, I decided to share one tool that has helped me A LOT in the moments of comparison, while I was working on strengthening my self-esteem years back.
Stay safe and #standwithukraine,Anna
"Self-esteem Now" book by Mia Törnblom (for English version, reach out to me):
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Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
How to Deal With Comparisonitis
Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
Ever caught yourself comparing your messy home to that picture-perfect house on Instagram? Or your startup's rollercoaster ride to the smooth sailing of an entrepreneurial superstar in your industry? How about a summer night by the beach where every other man/woman seems to be hotter than you?
Comparing yourself to others is not healthy. So I am sharing two personal stories with you that help me deal with comparisonitis anytime. I have intentionally chosen personal stories about body as these examples make a clear point on the diverse backgrounds that make comparison a waste fo your energy.
In this episode, you will hear about:
why comparing to someone "worse" than you is not sustainable
how the awkward nerd in me suffered from unfair comparison
what kind of comparison makes sense and is desirable
the pleasant bonus of my journaling habit
Stay safe and #standwithukraine,Anna
"Self-esteem Now" book by Mia Törnblom (for English version, reach out to me):
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Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
This Will Help You SOAR On LinkedIn - with Donna Serdula
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
If you regularly listen to this show, you have heard me talking about my love for LinkedIn. This platform has brought me fantastic clients and business opportunities, expanding collaborations and deep friendships. So I want you to fall in love with it, too!
Our guest today, Donna Serdula, has been using LinkedIn since 2005 and helping others leverage it in powerful ways since 2009. She and her team know the ins and outs of optimizing your profile to your needs and goals and shifting your mindset to find a flow in using the platform, so this episode is full of great tips, strategies and anecdotes that will help you already today.
In this episode, you will hear about:
getting loud on LinkedIn
a framework that will help you SOAR on the platform
advice for how to get seen and grow in an organic way
practical tips: how and when to post, ways to engage, connect with new people and more
Stay safe and #standwithukraine,
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Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
Can Business Work As a Family? - with Matthew Brackett
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
Whenever I hear "We are a family here" from a CEO about their workplace, it's curiosity time with lots of follow-up questions. Does it mean we have no boundaries? How is it to fire your family member? How do you work with the company's bottom line then? Often, we use the words without fully contemplating what they can mean to the others involved, and that is a slippery slope.
I invited Matthew Brackett for a conversation about the attitude of "business-as-a-family". We explore the good, the bad and the ugly that this approach can result in. With Matthew's leadership experience in different countries on multiple continents, within church and in the US Navy, he has many insights in how a mission-driven organization can shape their culture to be successful and sustainable.
In this episode, you will hear about:
what leaders should be aware of when using the family analogy with future hires or current employees
Matthew's insights into family-run businesses
entrepreneurs' identity through work that is similar to the one of priests and Marines
necessary shifts in education for service professionals
Stay safe and #standwithukraine,
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Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
A Simple (and Fun!) Tool to Snap Your Brain Out of Drama
Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
Ever had a moment when someone reacts to you in an unexpected way, like snapping, or vice versa, you are ignored completely? How does it make you feel? And, more importantly, what do you make it mean? Often, in our brittle states, it's easy to give these situations a lot of negative meaning about ourselves.
You can handle it better. With the tool I am sharing today, you can learn to snap out of that drama soon and maybe even have some fun on the way!
In this episode, you will hear about:
why it's good that you are not the center of the universe
how a simple list can completely rewire your brain
the way to prevent divorcing your partner by using this tool
Stay safe and #standwithukraine,Anna
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Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
I Burned Out, So I Took On a New Job
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
What do you do when you figure out that you burned out? I took on a new job, on top of working on my business. And before you judge me or conclude I'm stupid, hear me out in this episode.
In this episode, you will hear about:
how I realized I had burnout
why I didn't prevent it, even though I help others do just that
important lessons about our thoughts, support networks, professional help, and role models
Stay safe and #standwithukraine,Anna
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Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
Freezing Your Midlife Crisis - with Jason Donnelly
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
What do you do when you suddenly don't recognize your reflection in the mirror? Do you just accept the pain in your body every morning as a normal way of ageing? What do those physical changes do to your mind? Jason Donnelly had that bitter aha-moment seeing his photo and not liking the man who stared at him. In his recent book "Cold Feat: How I Froze My Mid-Life Crisis Right Off...", he shared a deeply personal story of facing that image and turning his life around. Jason combines a story with practical information on how you can deal with your crisis, and I wanted you to hear a bit of both.
In this episode, you will hear about:
why Jason decided to freeze his mid-life crisis with ice-cold water
monthly steps he took to change the trajectory of his health
workout snacking
importance of relatable role models
Stay safe and #standwithukraine,
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Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
Founders, Leaders, Midwives and Leadership Houses - with Patrick Flesner
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
Founders are visionaries whose passion and drive create amazing and valuable things in this world. But are vision, drive and passion automatically make a founder a leader? I invited Patrick Flesner, an experienced growth mindset leadership advisor, board member, TEDx speaker and author of The Leadership House and FastScaling (Amazon's no.1 bestseller), to discuss what it takes for founders to be leaders.
In this episode, you will hear about:
leadership as a privilege
the foundation of the Leadership House and how Patrick's back-and-forth about what the foundation should be when he was writing the book
the concept of a leadership debt
how to deal with team members whose expertise is crucial for the business but behaviors and attitudes are toxic
what do midwives have to do in a startup world
Stay safe and #standwithukraine,
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Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
Leaders Need Empathy, Too - with Jeremy Blain
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
Jeremy Blain is an award-winning Business Leader, Futurist, New Era Learning Professional, Author & Conference Speaker. Jeremy is the founder and CEO of Performance Works International (PWI) where he and his team are committed to helping organizations and leaders be fit and ready for the future. Our conversation is based on the recent report they have released about trends in the leadership space.
In this episode, you will hear about:
what is leadershift and how you can be a part of it
significant concerns organizations face now
which aspect of an organization will eat every other one for breakfast, lunch and dinner
how companies can support their leaders so that everyone succeeds
Stay safe and #standwithukraine,
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